29 January 2012

Datings :9

Met up my jimuis in gurney during chinese new year break!

Rule number 1: No phones allowed when having lunch.
Learned it from fb picture posted by idk who. lol

had our lunch in KOI sushi.
the food is not bad. quite nice. :)

 They give me a surprise when ketchup's "relative" a.k.a the waiter bring the cake for me.

*Why is he her relative??
Entering the shop kerchia was busy talking to the indian waiter(who can speak chinese) and i was asking who is that guy. The other 2 said he is her relative. Simply tembak Lol. It's obvious that kerchia is asking the waiter to bring the cake when we finished the food*
They sang me a happy birthday song loudly in the shop /shy
Thank you my dearS! K+ Piggie Vonnie Ching(Sick n absent)

Dragon G from G hotel

I love this picture!
Skillful evon :))
Took this in Paragon which is a walking distance from gurney.

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